Monday, March 20, 2006

El Bodegon

Everyone keeps asking the question, where do a lot of the Dominicans in Los Angeles meet? Well, the truth is they meet where ever there is a social event. At the park for baseball on Sundays, sometimes people hold dances in their houses, birthday parties, get togethers etc. But the truth is that the most famous meeting place is in "El Bodegon." A large warehouse redecorated (Dominican style) and tucked in between other warehouses and factories in Los Angeles. It's off of Alameda on the 10 freeway just past La Cienega. The board of directors are the ones who are responsible for throwing the Independencia Party that we all enjoyed. I was so impressed by the folkloric dance that I had to come speak to the ones in charge and find out what I had to do to get involved in that dance, next year. I was invited to a board of directors meeting last week. This was my chance to politic with the directors and find out what's up. When is the next event?

Although I was welcomed and treated like family, my face was met with anxious emotions. "who is this new comer asking us all these questions and trying to find out the low down on the directors meetings?" I was sure they were all thinking. I had to think quickly. I came up with an ingenious plan to get their weak spot, take pictures of all of them!! I yelled out "Photo time!" Which I was sure they would not turn down! They all leaped from their chairs and posed eagerly like little kids waiting for their chocolate ice cream on a hot summer day. It wasnt easy work. I posed with their kids, took pictures of all the members, and even had to be a good sport and let one of the directors beat me at pool! Well, it seemed my plan had worked.

I managed to get some juicy information. There is a Mothers Day celebration in the works. The details are still a little sketchy, but one is in the works. This one promises to be as big as if not bigger than the Independence day celebration. As for location? Well they discussed using El Bodegon, but that proposal was met with frowning faces. Talk of an outdoor celebration seemed to bring smiles to their cheeks. Well, I think they have at least one more event happening sooner than that, but it will require some more investigator work on my part. Trust me, as soon as I know about them, You'll know about them!!

P.S. Thank you Braulio and All the Directors for allowing me to take pictures and post this to the blog! :)


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